First Suppliers

Our First Suppliers

If you are a manufacturer, distributor, importer, contract bottler or retailer supplying beverage containers into/within Victoria, you may be considered a First Supplier.

In Victoria, if you are a First Supplier according to the Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021, you have a legal obligation to participate in Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS Vic).

For CDS Vic, the owner of the containers first-supplied into Victoria is the First Supplier. VicReturn uses a ‘first supply’ approach to determine how suppliers of eligible drink containers fit into the scheme. A ‘first supply’ of a beverage in a container means to supply (sell or give away) the container to carry on a business in a specific location. 

The first supply approach can apply to beverage manufacturers, importers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers.

First suppliers who’ve already registered with the scheme can sign in here.

Pricing guide can be found here.